OTree Index Visualizer
Python visualizer for qbeast index, a tool to visually examine your index, get clues about tree balance, and gather information about sampling efficiency.
With a given qbeast table path and a target RevisionID
, it scans the _delta_log/
to find the cubes
of the target Revision
and builds the index structure for visual display.
One can also provide a sampling fraction and the selected nodes will be highlighted with a different color. Details about on the sampling efficiency will be shown in the terminal.
git clone git@github.com:Qbeast-io/qbeast-spark.git
virtualenv ~/.envs/index-viz
source ~/.envs/index-viz/bin/activate
cd ./qbeast-spark/utils/visualizer/
make install
Launch a Flask
serve with the following command and open the link with a browser:
qviz ./docs/test_table/
# optionally, specify the index revision(defaulted to 1)
# qviz <table-path> --revision-id=2
- Visualize cubes retrieved for a given sampling fraction.
- Sampling details: when a valid value for sampling fraction is given, a set of sampling metrics are displayed. Only the chosen revision is taken into account for computing sampling metrics.
Sampling Info:
The displayed sampling metrics are valid only for single revision indexes(excluding revision 0):
sample fraction: 0.3
number of cubes read:8/20, 40.00%
number of rows: 41858/100000, 41.86%
sample size: 0.00141/0.00324GB, 43.49%
- To visualize any table, point to the folder in which the target
is contained. - To visualize a remote table, download its
and point to the folder location.
- To run all tests:
make test